Infinite Potentiality Theory
ICP stands for Infinite Creative Potentiality. It is the catalyzing force behind Infinite Potentiality Theory (IPT) and one of the most direct mediums towards ultimate freedom (UF) of and from the self. Such a freedom enables the individual’s release from all mundane fetters, anchors, and challenges related to that self. Through this self liberation, s/he can be reoriented more readily into an other mentality wherein s/he can effect meaningfully positive change. Without obstacles of the self, s/he can effect this change in a longer-lasting and far-reaching way across generations.
For an understanding of IPT's and ICP's practical relevance, please visit my blog: https://icptheory.wordpress.com/. It is centered around the four volumes making up Igniting An East-West Globalizing Dialogue. The first book of this four volume set was published in May 2014. Titled: Volume I: Thus Spoke Chuang Tzu, it is available through my author web page: http://outskirtspress.com/webPage/isbn/9781478735380 or through Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com, amongst others. To bring the concepts of my book from philosophy to everyday action and practical relevance, I published the compendium to Volume I in May 2015. Titled: ICPTheory.com: The First 100, the book is available through my second author web page: http://outskirtspress.com/webPage/isbn/9781478751601 or again, through Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com, amongst others.
On 24 July 2015, I had my very first radio interview on KTEK 1110 AM with Kevin Price: https://youtu.be/XTbWM41IJZk . It was a very humbling experience for which I am tremendously grateful. This interview sheds further light on both books.
Ultimately, I hope to encourage everyone to realize his/her highest creative potentiality and attain that liberating freedom. ICP exists inherently within all individuals. It is just a matter of recognizing and tapping into it…
Jade Yu